Dentistry can be a rewarding career...and sometimes a brutal one. If you're in need of a transformative journey toward rebuilding your self-confidence, emotional resilience, as well as a boost to help with your self-care, then purchase Scaling Burnout.

Navigate the Emotional Side of Dentistry and Prevent Burnout

Scaling Burnout is available in paperback and eBook!


The term Scaling Burnout can be used in two different ways. Scaling burnout can be physical exhaustion from skillfully removing calculus deposits in a workday or week. The other meaning, and what this book refers to is climbing (or scaling) out of a burnout cycle and getting back to a healthier state.

How Scaling Burnout Can Help:      

✔  Take a deep dive into mindset challenges of self-criticism, perfection, people pleasing, and over-empathy and also solutions to shift into a healthier mindset to overcome your fears and improve self-confidence.

       ✔  Identify your biggest worries and choose from author tested, self-care tactics to help overcome those worries.

      ✔   Stuck on a decision to make? Use the Solution Finder worksheet to help yourself identify and choose the best Reaction Choice for you.

✔   For overwhelming situations, learn how to identify steps you can take to walk through an anxious situation that reduces your anxiety.

  ✔   Suggestions on what to focus on when having to navigate challenging discussions with patients, and improving healthy boundaries for you to work on any patient.

  ✔   Approach dentistry as a game with prevention and self-care built in for you, the clinician. That’s right, we play offense and defense in our lives, so learn how to build a strategy that works with patient care.


Kristin Maxwell, RDH (Registered Dental Hygienist), strives to support others experiencing hardships in the dental career field. Kristin has been a dental hygienist since 2009 and loves to bring her expertise and dedication to promoting oral health to her patients. Now, Kristin wishes to help other hygienists protect their mental wellbeing with her first book Scaling Burnout.


"Kristin hits the nail on the head with this book. As a dental hygienist with over 20 years of experience, I would have loved to have been privy to her insight on the stress and struggles of being a dental hygienist in the early years. She very succinctly outlines several thoughts/feelings that I think we all go through in the early years of our careers. More importantly, she has devised numerous strategies that anyone can use to overcome these challenges/stresses. Her book would be of great value to dental hygiene students and dentists alike. It would likely prevent burnout and alleviate stress prior to starting a hygiene career. While the book is written from a dental hygiene perspective, there is a lot of value to be gained by anyone in any profession who is overwhelmed and suffering from burnout. Well done, Kristin! Thank you for your honesty, humility, and compassion."

Nan B.

Dental Hygienist
"I have started a second read of Scaling Burnout. Kristin identifies solutions and tools to help work through burnout. The graphics and journal format is very helpful. I feel Scaling Burnout is transferable to other industries and I will continue using this book as a skill guide. Thank you. "

Dale L.

Self-care Advocate